Please test it out very thoroughly and let me know of any issues.
2.0 Beta 6 (2016-07-06):
- Added the exception type to crash reports.
- Added Microsoft cross-signed certificate to driver catalogs.
- Fixed more than eight taggers not being able to join solo games.
- Fixed player status not updating when a player is dropped while a game is in progress.
- Fixed a possible crash when data received from taggers is not understood.
- Improved logging of unrecognized data received from the Command Center.
- Improved error handling of serial communication.
- Fixed taggers not being able to join if a team preference is not specified.
- Fixed scores not being calculated in team games.
- Fixed possible crashes when processing data received from the Command Center.
- Fixed the game time being reset when the countdown is resent.
- Added a driver for the Command Center Rev D.
- Re-signed the Command Center Rev A-C driver with a SHA256 certificate, signature, and timestamp.
- Fixed several types of crashes when receiving tag reports from taggers after a game.
- Fixed possible crashes when data received from taggers is not understood.
- Fixed a possible crash when adding messages to the log.
- Fixed a crash when receiving tag reports from taggers after a game.
- Fixed a possible crash when sending text messages.
- Added the ability to select the team that the next player to join will be assigned to.
- Added the ability for players to join a game after it has started.
- Many improvements and bug fixes have been made to the game hosting and communication code.
- Changed the format of GameTypes.xml and removed the override of some values with ones hard coded into the program.