LTAR TRRS Protocol

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Re: LTAR TRRS Protocol

Post by riley »

I've been working on a Windows program to talk to the LTAR. Here's what I've got so far. I plan on putting the code up on GitHub soon.
20171005-debugger.PNG (74.15 KiB) Viewed 58159 times
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Re: LTAR TRRS Protocol

Post by riley »

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Re: LTAR TRRS Protocol

Post by DrDDS »

So will this software actually talk to the LTAR or is it more for listening to it? If talking to it, as I am anticipating, I believe there are some things to be careful with so as not to brick the LTAR, if I remember from a fb post of Ryan's earlier in the year. Am I correct in this assumption?
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Re: LTAR TRRS Protocol

Post by riley »

It can talk to the LTAR too. The current version has a text box at the bottom where you can type blocks in to send. It can also dump the RAM now in addition to all the variables.

The firmware is in mask ROM so I don't think there's any way to permanently brick an LTAR through software. There are some commands (e.g. WRITE-LOCATION) that can mess things up temporarily, but everything should be back to normal after turning it off and on. Ryan hasn't mentioned anything to me that could cause permanent damage.
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Re: LTAR TRRS Protocol

Post by izzy84075 »

riley wrote: Mon Oct 16, 2017 7:36 pm It can talk to the LTAR too. The current version has a text box at the bottom where you can type blocks in to send. It can also dump the RAM now in addition to all the variables.

The firmware is in mask ROM so I don't think there's any way to permanently brick an LTAR through software. There are some commands (e.g. WRITE-LOCATION) that can mess things up temporarily, but everything should be back to normal after turning it off and on. Ryan hasn't mentioned anything to me that could cause permanent damage.
If you're writing into RAM, you /could/ write to some registers that could burn out the IR emitters, but I /think/ that's the extent of the damage you could do. You could probably find /some/ way to destroy it, but these processors are fairly hardy.
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Re: LTAR TRRS Protocol

Post by DrDDS »

Excellent. Good to know all those things before too much tinkering takes place. Thanks guys.
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