Is it possible to play three team with the Phoenix LTR's and if so how do you set that up?
Thanks Don
3 team with Nerf Phoenix LTR's
Re: 3 team with Nerf Phoenix LTR's
The Phoenix LTX taggers can join a 3 team game. The only trouble they have is being able to request to be on team 3.
Phoenix LTX taggers that were made early on are able to select team 3 by putting the power switch in between the team 1 and team 2 positions. Later taggers removed this hidden feature.
If you use the beta version of the Command Center software, you can choose which team a player will be assigned to even if their tagger requested a different team. So the player can select team 1 or 2 on their tagger and you can force it to join team 3 from within the Command Center software.
Phoenix LTX taggers that were made early on are able to select team 3 by putting the power switch in between the team 1 and team 2 positions. Later taggers removed this hidden feature.
If you use the beta version of the Command Center software, you can choose which team a player will be assigned to even if their tagger requested a different team. So the player can select team 1 or 2 on their tagger and you can force it to join team 3 from within the Command Center software.