It would be nice to be able to assign a colour to a team in the software too. In the scoreboard, these colours could be used too. (a player can be shown in the team's colour)
I think it would also be great when playing own the zone, to see the zone light up in the colour of the team that is currently scoring points in the zone. This would also help people in the zone to see they are actually in line of sight of the zone.
When starting a game, would it be possible to create teams and add players to these teams first without anyone joiing the game, then click "start joining" and have the command center ask you to join? So that it would say "Bart, please join now", and Bart would just turn on his gun on "solo" and be joined as the correct player? If this would be possible, I have a suggestion in combination with the saved player profiles as well: You just add the players for the next game to a player pool, and have the software create teams based on the player statistics, then have them join in the way described above.
As for now, I think some simple improvements can be made for assigning names to joined players, using a player list:
- when you right click a player name to assign it to a player, you could only show the players that don't have a name assigned yet.
- The list of available players should be sorted on team, player. Now this is sorted on who joined first
- You could also first show teams, then in a deeper level only the players of that team